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Sisyphus - A series based around the idea of the absurdity of existence as noted by Albert Camus - Ongoing (txt below)


In "The Myth of Sisyphus," Albert Camus talks about the idea of the absurd, using the old Greek story of Sisyphus to think about big questions about life.

Camus says that Sisyphus is punished by the gods to keep pushing a big rock up a hill in the underworld, only for it to roll back down every time he gets close to the top. This never-ending job shows how life can feel pointless and like we're not getting anywhere.

​​​​​"Accepting that life has no inherent meaning and resigning oneself to the absurdity of existence." - Albert Camus -​​​​

He says that life is absurd, meaning it doesn't really make sense, and that we keep looking for meaning even though the universe doesn't care about us. But Camus thinks we can feel free and strong by accepting our fate. When he says, "one must imagine Sisyphus happy," he means that even though life seems pointless, we can still find happiness by accepting things as they are.Camus wants us to accept that life is strange and find our own meaning and purpose instead of feeling sad or hopeless.​

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